Monday, August 13, 2007


Duration: 497 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-13 01:29:18
User: boredjoewo
:::: Favorites

There will be a 4 part series focusing on the battle between the government and the media. This series beginning 2/13 and airs on PBS TV stations. This will also look at journalism from the aspect of infotainment, undisclosed sources, the future of news and political spin. .

celticcanuck2006 ::: Favorites
Oh my God are your lives so limited? Also has not it sunk in that lying is now an excepted form of communication and that telling the truth hurts the agendas of regimes with only there own interests at heart.Hide now the Muslims are coming they live here and gays do and womens lib and so on and so on.those who seek power over others will kill to keep it only they don't want to get there hands dirty doing it and because they can afford it they use YOU.WATER FINDS IT'S OWN LEVEL!
07-03-05 18:31:25
b9keith ::: Favorites
Operation Mockingbird is a Central Intelligence Agency operation to influence domestic and foreign media, whose activities were made public during the Church Committee investigation in 1975 (published 1976). - wikipedia
07-03-10 17:05:12
sephoramoon ::: Favorites
Be afraid. America is becoming a police state.
07-05-15 11:02:04
capsource ::: Favorites
What a crack. America is becomeing a police state. LOLOL. This is just another liberal created crises talking point. You ever notice the liberals and the left JUMP from crises to crises for the last 40 years?
07-06-25 09:43:33
capsource ::: Favorites
You must be a little kid that has no clue of history. Oh I understand the concern that would take place if it were true. But this is all part of the bigger stradegy of the loonie left to SEIZE AMERICA for a socialism
07-06-25 09:45:17
capsource ::: Favorites
I find it amazingly incredable how the left can say that we're heading towards a police state when I look at some of the goals of the loony left. Like the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE. Amazing how dangerous the left really is.
07-06-25 09:49:08
stcredzero ::: Favorites
Police states tend to do things like abolish Habeas Corpus and spy on its own citizens.
07-07-25 19:49:39
capsource1 ::: Favorites
Really now. You see how you play games. FDR was spying on it's own citizens because we were at war. Let me axe you a question stcredzero DO YOU THINK WE ARE WAR? That's the heart of this debate. DO YOU THINK WE ARE AT WAR??? YES OR NO
07-07-25 19:53:21
stcredzero ::: Favorites
In the same sense as we were in World War II? No. No flags, no uniforms, no conventionally winnable war against a sovereign state. FDR was an effective dictator. Just because we won doesn't mean everything he did was right or necessary. The current war is not winnable by a conventional military. If we give up our freedoms to win, then what's the point?
07-07-26 10:07:22
XarxesB ::: Favorites
Is everything either liberal spin or conservative spin!? Do you really think this particular, respectable news program would censor itself if there was a democrat administration? This is not spin, this is good reporting. There is plenty of spun news (Fox, Olberman) but there is still credible journalism in America. Be critical of everything but it is not ALL spin.
07-08-06 10:19:56

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