Monday, February 18, 2008

Don't Tell Me Words Don't Matter!

Duration: 02:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-17 03:33:18
User: HaitiFM

Just  Words  Obama  Barack  Wisconsin  


Obama - Just Words?


GhostOfLRonHubbard  2008-02-18 15:24:44

I can't believe Hillary Clinton has become such a cunt. So Obama shares some ideas with one of his friends. So what. All Hillary's ideas come from her husband anyway.
cubfan2000  2008-02-18 13:24:56

Obama's already on record as admitting he borrows lines from Patrick (and vice versa). Stumping in New Hampshire last December, Obama said: "But you know in the end, don't vote your fears. I'm stealing this line from my buddy (Massachusetts Gov.) Deval Patrick who stole a whole bunch of lines from me when he ran for the governorship, but it's the right one, don't vote your fears, vote your aspirations. Vote what you believe."
dmccoig  2008-02-18 10:51:52

Thanks for posting
ishara7  2008-02-18 05:03:16

Ten for Obama and Nil for Clinton, time for the Clinton campaign to pursue other negative avenues....this one's done!
Jlake1998  2008-02-18 02:16:51

how come Hillery is posting change on her message now Doi

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